Vision Video Assist product line
Video assist nowadays presents an inevitable tool, widely used in filmmaking industry, which allows filmmakers to view a video version of a take, immediately after it has been filmed.

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Software and hardware designed by filmmakers for filmmakers.
Vision Video Assist
Video assist nowadays presents an inevitable tool, widely used in filmmaking industry, which allows filmmakers to view a video version of a take, immediately after it has been filmed.
Remote Clapperboard App
Make your filming life easier! Avoid unnecessary human error by letting the Vision Clapperboard synchronyze all the information from the Clapperboard automatically.
Remote Tablet view module
Replace expensive wireless video streaming, which requires professional monitors, for filming staff members with commercially available tablets. Remote Tablet View Module allows a preview on iPad and Android tablets in real time.
Vision Box
Professional portable boxes are designed for everyday use in demanding filming conditions. Vision Boxes are user- configurable in terms of selecting hardware and connectivity. They are made of the highest quality materials - aluminum and stainless steel.